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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-80

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Page content

THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT VI -Pastoral Theology Liturgiology Procter History of the Book of Common Prayer Campion and Beaniont The Prayer-Book Interleaved Barry Bp The Teacher's Prayer-Book The Prayer-Book Commentary Parker Reprints of the Prayer-Books of 1549 and 1552 Hammond Liturgies Eastern and Western Littledale Offices of the Eastern Church Wheatley On the Book of Common Prayer Ed Corrie Blunt Annotated Prayer-Book Enlarged Ed 1884 Scudamore Notitia Eucharistica Bailey Rituale Anglo-Catholicuni Palmer Origines Liturgic Freeman Principles of Divine Service Keeling Liturgies Britannic Cardwell Documentary Annals Conferences Synodalki Luckock Studies in the History of the Prayer-book Maskell Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England Maskell Monumenta Ritualia Forbes Sarum Missal Procter and Wordsworth Sarum Breviary Daniel Codex Liturgicus Renaudot Liturg orient colleotio Neale General Introduction to the History of the Eastern Church Neale Essays on Liturgiology IIomlle tic Chrysostom De Sacerdotio Augustine De Doctrina Christiana lib iv ίregory Regulse Pastoralis Liber Ed Bramley Moore Thoughts on Preaching Wykehamist Papers on Preaching
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