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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-798

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT himself to cold returned home at night and was seized with urgent dyspnoea which would not yield to treatment surgeon was sent for and found the patient in condition which demanded an operation which was performed with immediate relief The patient went on well for twenty-four hours when the symptoms returned but were immediately removed on the visit of the surgeon and it was needful to exercise great care to prevent repetition of the same symptoms The patient ultimately recovered from the operation Describe the nature of the disease-the symptoms which rendered the operation necessary-the operation itself and state the cause of the return of the symptoms and the means which the surgeon adopted for removing them and preventing them b$tetvtc JMrtJiciue Describe the difficulties likely to arise in labour with the head presenting in flattened pelvis the mechanism of delivery and its appropriate management What are the various methods of treatment adapted for cases of haemorrhagio-hbro-myomatous tumour of the uterus Give an estimate of their relative valu יי יי Λ Describe the symptoms dangers and treatment of extra- uterine Fallopian pregnancy Describe the mechanism and management of face pre- sentations VI -dforenaic JMeiictne Describe the characteristic symptoms course and post- mortem appearances in general paralysis of the insane Describe the symptoms and post-mortem appearances in asphyxia Describe the condition of the lungs in still-birth Describe the Sta8 Otto process for the detection of alkaloids in the viscera
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