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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-795

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CLOTH WORKERS' AND SAMBROOKE EXHIBITIONS How do you distinguish aqueous from igneous rocks Define Cleavage Dyke and Drift Give the classification of the Palaeozoic beds What fossils would you expect to find in th black shales which are to be met with in the Carboniferous and Liassic strata Refer to the principal fossil fuels Mention the more important limestones of the British Isles 10 Name substances useful for manufacturing purposes which occur in the Jurassic Cretaceous and Tertiary forma- tions tncralogj Describe the principal varieties of Quartz Give short account of Graphite Name the more important Zeolites bet Point out the differences Augite What are the chief facts concerning Calcite Refer to Limonite Melacolite and Malachite β Hornblende and of the pression "a herni Explain the significance hedral crystal 'ז י Mention the standards employed for the purpose of determining the hardness of mineral Are fracture and cleavage equivalent terms 10 Illustrate by drawings the cubical and pyramidal systems d2
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