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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-794

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Page content

786 clothworkers and sambrooke exhibitions Describe the principal forms of inflorescence Compare the reproductive organs of phanerogam with those of fern Give the essential characters of the following natural orders Ranunculacese-Labiatse-Papilionacese-Liliacese- Composite Describe the plant before you in technical language VIII -Zoology φ λ יי Make such dissection of the body-cavity of the Frog as shall best display the organs it contains Make drawing of your dissection and name the parts II Illustrate by various animals the process of intracellular digestion Point out the differences between male and female Crayfish Give detailed account of the process of respiration in the Snail Enumerate the leading points in the Pigeon which are characteristic of the anatomy of Birds Compare the blood of the Crayfish the Frog and the Rabbit IX eologj Account for the general aspect of the North and South Downs and of the Fen District In what way do Glaciers act as great transporting power Are traces of past volcanic action to be found in England and Wales
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