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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-793

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CL0THW0RKERS AND SAMBROOKE EXHIBITIONS 785 Name some gases which extinguish the flame of taper and some which cause it to burn more brightly Three cubic centimetres of gaseous mixture are measured over mercury and an electric spark is passed which causes explosion two cubic centimetres of gas remain which are completely absorbed by potash State the probable composi- tion of the mixed gas What would happen in each case if fragments of zinc and of lead were placed in diluted sulphuric acid The atomic weight of copper 63 and that of silver is 108 How much silver would be precipitated from solution of silver nitrate by ten grammes of copper Two black powders are heated in separate vessels with hydrochloric acid gives off gas with an odour of rotten and Î’ gives off gas which irritates the lungs on mixing the contents of the two vessels both effects disappear State the probable composition of each powder Give the proper chemical names of the following sub- stances alum-borax chalk copperas corrosive subli- mate-litharge-orpiment-vermilion Bad half-crowns are made of tin Describe the effect of diluted nitric acid upon bad and upon good half-crown By what simple experiment may it be proved that air is not siugle element Practical qualitative analysis for SambrooJce Exhibition Name the salts contained in the substances marked and each consisting of one metal and one non-metal or acid Report briefly the steps of the analysis Describe the structure of Dicotyledonous stem of 3J years' growth Define the following terms connate-amplexicaul pinnatifid phyllode aestivation-pollination trichome- diclinous
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