Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 791
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CLOTKWORKERS' AND SAMBEOOKE EXHIBITIONS 783 Pabt Part III is not to be taken for the Clothworkers1 Exhibi- tions Only the first three questions of each of Parts and II to be taken for the Sambrooke Exhibitions The diameter of sphere is centimetres and its mass is 300 grammes it is immersed in water with its centre 10 centimetres below the surface Determine the whole pressure on the surface of the sphere the apparent mass of the sphere and the density of the matter of which the sphere is composed Describe Nicholson's hydrometer and deduce the requisite formula for obtaining with this instrument the density of solid the density of fluid cylinder feet long floats on water with its axir vertical and two-thirds immersed when the height of the barometer is 30 inches shew that when the barometer falls to 28 inches the cylinder will sink about one-thousandth of an inch in the water supposing water 800 times as heavy bulk for bulk as the air when the barometer is at 30 inches Explain the action of the common pump The diametes of the piston in common pump is inches and the height of the top of the water the pump above the well is 18 feet find what pressure the piston bears Describe the construction and explain the action of Hawksbee's double-acting air-pump Part II Sleat Describe some form of apparatus for determining accurately the coefficient of linear expansion of metal bar Explain why the coefficients of superficial and cubical expan- sion of metal are respectively two and three times the coefficient of linear expansion room is calculated to contain 3000 cubic feet of air at 24 and under the pressure of 76 centimetres mercury
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