Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 784
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776 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS Who was Madame de Stael With what difficulties had this book to contend Compare briefly the present condition of Germany with its state in Madame de StaeFs time Give the most prominent names in German dramatic and philosophical literature How far does the German character seem to have been modified since the beginning of this century -EcsStng 'jM&an tier WLttit Translate into English α 3φ hud 3a ju ben gitfcen biefe ftoljen 9Jianne 9iur ott ηοφ etnmal banien nicftt bem 3J1atme er 3Katm tot II ietnen anf totH ifm fo toentg 2U3 ityn ber 2£afferetmer toitt ber bet em £ofdf en fo gefdBdftig ft φ ertotefen er Itefi ίφ futien ltef$ fid ieeren mir 9ΐίφ bir ηίφί£ aljo αηφ ber 50iann 2ίηφ ber SBarb nur fo in bie Intb bineingefto $en Φα fiel ίφ nngefafyr tfym in ben 2trm Φα blteb ίφ nngefdfyr fo tote em gnnien 3iuf fetnem Dtantcl ifym in fetnen Strmen 33t8 toiebernm id tr ctf3 ηίφί toa3 un8 betbe £eranstoarf au3 ber lutfy -933aδ gibt e3 ba 3u banien £raut mir at an enn fefyt ίφ benie fo SBenn an ba3 ute a$ id ju tfyun fcermetne gar ju naf 2δα gar 311 ctyKmmeS grenjt fo tfyu' ίφ lieber a3 nte ηίφί toeil toir ba3 $limme jtoar jtemlicty jnberldffig iennen aber 95et toettem ηχφΐ ba ute 3Bar ja toofyl
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