Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 780
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72ז WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS In mediae acies formam assimulata Camerti Cui genus proavis ingens clarumque paterna9 Nomen erat virtutis et ipse acerrimus armis In medias dat sese acies baud nescia rerum Rumoresque serit varios ac talia fatur Non pudet Ο Rutuli pro cunctis talibus imam Objectare animam numerone an viribus sequi Non sumus En omnes et Troes et Arcades hi sunt Fatalisque manus infensa Etruria Turno Vix hostem alterni si congrediamur habemus Account for the accusative 'formam How may the legends be explained which connected Rome with the Trojans and Arcadians Translate and explain the following Ascneumque cano Romana per oppida carmen Nec setius omnis in unguem Arboribus positis secto via limite quadret Aut conjura to descendens Dacus ab Istro Sit Latium sint Albani per saecula reges Sit Romana potens Itala virtute propago Explain Saturnia tellus-Alcinoi silvre-Ephyreia era-populi tabularia -Paonium in morem and the gram- matical construction of the following imprudens laborum cui nunquam exhausti satis est-nequidquam fallis dea Parse or analyse cassus ausim faxo musso derive latro tormentum-religio explain the use of olim-adeo-quin Translate into Latin It was worse still when Cato himself made his appearance for the townsmen seeing him sit down on the luggage without speaking word took him for man of mean and dastardly spirit Sometimes however he would send for the magis- trates and say Wretches why do not you learn proper hospitality You will not find all that apply to you Catos Do not then by your ill-treatment give those occasion to exert their authority ΛνΙιο only want pretence to take from you by violence what you give with so much reluctance
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