Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 779
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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 771 Then gan he tosse aloft his stretched traine And therewith scourge the buxonie aire so sore That to his force to yielden it was faine Both Silo this and Jordan did excell And th' English Bath and eke the German Spau Ne can Cephise nor Hebrus match this well β Thou Saint George shalt called bee Saint George of mery England the signe of victoree Ah dearest God me graunt dead be not defould And he that harrowd hell with heavie stovvre The faulty soules from thence brought to his heavenly bowre Entire affection hateth nicer hands And every head was crowned on his creast And bloody mouthed with late cruell feast Far off he wonders what makes them so glad Or Bacchus merry fruit they did invent Or Cybeles franticke rites have made them mad 10 Discuss the names Cleopolis-Corceca-Una-Duessa Lucifera VI trail corg II anfc Sen XII Translate His animadversis terram multo ante memento Excoquere et magnos scrobibus concidere montes Ante supinatas Aquiloni ostendere glebas Quam lgetum infodias vitis genus Optima putri Arva solo id venti curant gelidseque pruina3 Et labefacta movens robustus jugera fossor At si quos baud ulla viros vigilantia fugit Ante locum similem exquirunt ubi prima paretur Arboribus seges et quo mox digesta feratur Mutatam ignorent subito ne semina matrem Quin etiam coeli regionem in cortice signant Ut quo quseque modo steterit qua parte calores Austrinos tulerit quae terga obverterit axi Restituant adeo in teneris consuesceie multum est Explain the subjunctives in this passage
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