Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 776
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768 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS VI CLASS -C jc Cfoo J300h$ of Samuel Give brief analysis of the contents of these books What other title have they received Show the pro- priety of each title Explain the nature and the importance of the place filled by Samuel in the Bible history What circumstances led to the demand of the people of Israel for king Explain their fault in the matter δ State the position held by the Philistines during the period occupied by these books Describe their origin and character Sketch the character of David What marks of his life as shepherd may be traced in it and how is this circum- stance illustrated by his Psalms State the causes and the main circumstances of the rebellion of Absalom Give an account of the following persons and places Ichabod-Bethshemesh-Ebenezer-Gad Michal Joab Ahithophel II -CIjc Gospel acfovtitng to ilukc State the evidence by which the authorship of this Gospel is determined What indications does the Gospel afford of having been written by medical man Show the importance of this fact in reference to the credibility of the miracles recorded in it What means had St Luke of ascertaining the truth of the narratives in his first two chapters
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