Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 773
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INGLIS SCHOLARSHIPS 765 What metrical forms did our native literature mploy in the time of Henry II Point out any ecnliarities Tabulate differences between the northern and southern dialects circ 1200 Give specimen of each of the Strong and each of the Weak Conjugations Translate with grammatical notes And wat belimp hit jief he fend is to Jmre gate cumf God nrh his mucele milce ne letes us nefer fandie Ac napeles $ief he fend is an unwreast manu per beoS anu eredie fe weregede gastas hine uniredlice nnderfangeft mid stiarne swupen Alse fele unfeawes alse he hade upe him and sennenn al swa fendes he per 3emet hine to underfo and to don hine into piesternesse What is exactly meant by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ×™ Give the snbstance of Dr Morris' extract from it Describe and criticize the specimens of homiletic literature given in your Handbook What do you know of The Ormulum What means are there of inferring the date and the locality of its composition Whence did Layamon derive the materials of his Brut Mention some differences between the extant versions of it 10 Translate Jmss Jm mihht lakenn Drihhtin Godd WiJ oxe gode Jewess iff Jm ledesst all wipp skill And ha helike and fa re And nmmbebennkesst nihht and da Hu bu mihht Drihhtin cwemenn
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