Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 770
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762 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT XII ϊμ TOovfedjop THIRD YEAR Sketch and describe the link motion for altering the cut-off and for reversing the marine and locomotive engine The workshop engine at 25 lbs pressure indicates horse-power estimate from observation of the lowest pressure at leaving off the power required to drive our 200 feet of shafting with countershafts bands and pullies Sketch the countershaft of screw-cutting lathe show- ing the arrangement of pullies and bands for quick return Sketch boring bar and cutters for small cylinders Give the speed of cut and feed φ Sketch the trepanning bar for boring guns and describe its advantages Sketch and describe the gear for traversing or facing in our large Whitworth lathe SECOND YEAR What is air speed of cut in feet per minute for planing and turning cast iron and fair rate of feed per inch What is speed of cut for cast iron wrought ircn brass and steel Give the change wheels to cut 11 threads to the inch with leading screw of to the inch Give the wheels to feed 60 cuts to the inch with leading screw of to the inch Sketch and describe the self-acting gear of the workshop slotting machine Sketch the most useful forms of slide-rest tools and describe their special uses
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