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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-766

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758 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT What difference in time has to be allowed at station 400 miles west of Greenwich Between points at 23 chains and at mile furlongs line of railway there is differe'fice of level of 25 74 feet What is the gradient between these points and show how it is calculated Describe how trigonometrical survey is carried out in hilly country State six of the "Standing Orders'' of Parliament with reference to the deposited plans and sections of proposed railway 10 How is contour survey carried out 11 Plots of survey and sections taken in the field previously prepared FIRST YEAR Describe how perpendiculars to chain line are set out in the field With the Chain only With the Cross or Optical Square Make sketches explanatory of the Prismatic Compass11 and the Box Sextant State three ways of carrying chain-line past an obstruction and describe how the width of river can be determined without actually measuring across it What are the 11 Eidograph and Pentagraph and their uses Describe the 11 Vernier What is meant by the uvariation of the needle" Describe how to 11 repeat an angle '' At miles furlongs the reduced level of road is 60 feet and at miles furlongs 375 chains the reduced level is 28 65 feet What is the gradient between these points and how is it calculated Describe the positions of the Eye Piece Object Glass and 11 Diaphragm of telescope and explain Parallax
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