Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 744
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736 KNGINEURING IV 9fl artmcttt of £1tgmmtn& anfr 3j1 1ltclr Sciences JDtbtnttn Cum pare the characters of Jacob and Esau and show their correspondence witli the respective careers of the two men Narrate the circumstances of Jacob's meeting with his brother Esau on his return from Laban and ex lain thd appearances and revelations of God to him on that occasion What portion of the book of Genesis falls under thei description of 'The generations of Jacob' Explain the meaning of this description Describe the character of Joseph as young man and in Potiphar's house and show how it illustrates the belief and the training of the Patriarchs Illustrate the correspondence between the history of Joseph in Egypt and the circumstances of Egyptian life as otherwise made known to us Explain how this history reveals the Providential Government of God Explain the principal points in Jacob's blessing upon his sons Discuss the special revelation of the Divine Nature and Will vouchsafed in the mission of Moses and the struggle with Pharaoh Explain the immediate purpose and the permanent οίο ρ rehensiveness of the Ten Commandments
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