Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 742
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734 GENERAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT Write down the comparatives and the superlatives yfel-lytel-leof-geong-eald-god Give specimen of each class of the strong conjugation with its pret 1st pers sing and pi and past part also on of each weak conjugation Mention some six noun-suffixes with examples Put into Anglo-Saxon these words and phrases sevent -hundred and twenty-in the same year-I dreamed-w are not ashamed of it-I was silent as if had not heard it Give brief account of the extant works of King Alfred What other works have been attributed to him What was the purpose of Orosius' Historicv Illustrate it from passages you have read What was Orosius' idea of the shape and the sjze the earth 10 Describe the voyages of Ohthere and of Wulfstan 11 Translate into modern English with notes Ispania land is ryscyte and eall mid fleote titan ymbhaefd ge eac binnan ymbhaefd ofer land aeg er ge ο aem garsecge ge of am Wendelsae An aera garena lil subwest ongean aet igland be Gades hatte and oj er east ongean het land Narbonense and se Jmdda nor west ongean Brigantia Gallia burh and ongean Scotland ofer one sa3s arm on geryhte ongean psene muban be mon hset scene Seo us fyrre Ispania byre is be westan garsecg and be norban Wendelsae be suj an and be eastan seo us nearre Ispania be nor an puere synt Equitania and be norJ aneastan is se weald Pireni and be eastan Narbonense and be su an Wendelsa And sibhin he for to a3m hearge Egypti ssedon net he wa3re Amones heora godts se waes Iobeses sunu heora 0J res godes to on paet he wolde beladian his modor Nectane- lmses drys mon saede aet he Alexandres faeder waere behead Alexander psein 11a31 nam biscepe 3dt he becrupe on aes Amones anlicnesse pe inne on pvem hearge waes a3r bam and pset folc hie aer gegaderede and saede hu he him an his gewill beforan am folce andwyrdan sceolde baes he hiene ascade Genoh sweotollice us gedyde nu to witanne
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