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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-738

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730 GENEUAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT itictbem auf etn trofylager in einer alb jerftovtei 23auernf utte bin ring urn ibn liefen fetne Sibjutantet auf blower rbe Die f$recfHcf en 33tlber ber uiunft Iteften tfm ηίφΐ fdjtummern ber fiircf tete χφ tfym nabe ju fommen Den alten 2lrttllerie Dberften 9K0Iiet fragte er in btefen bangen £agen etnmal hnc e3 bocfr jugefyen mdge ba fetne £rui pen ntcf mefyr ba3 letfteten tta fie c&emals getban fatten er fromme Jtoiie erUueberte fdfoitcfytern e3 fet tiieiieicbt bte itnbenfcbul be £eere3 bet toelcfyem ίφοη feit eintger Qui bte Set ftunben ganj etngegangen toaren Unb toon bem £age an hxirb ber efycmalige gelbgottesbienft bet ben 9iegtmentern Hneber etngefiifyrt Translate When Sir Robert Cotton was one day at his tailor's he discovered that the man was holding in his hand an original Magna Charta with all its appendages of seals and signatures ready to cut up for measures and an original Magna Charta is preserved in the Cottonian Library exhibiting marks of dilapidation It was the just boast of Schiller that in his country no Augustus no Lorenzo had watched over the infancy of poetry The rich energetic language of Luther driven by the Latin from the schools of pedants and by the French from the palaces of kings had taken refuge among the people Bruce caused his men to lie down to take some sleep while he himself went down with two attendants to watch the ford He stood for some time looking at it and thinking how easily the enemy might be kept from passing there provided it was bravely defended when he heard at distance the baying of hound which was always coming nearer and nearer This was the bloodhound which was tracing the king's steps to the ford and the two hundred Galloway men were along with the animal and guided by it
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