Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 736
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728 GENE HAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT couvrit ainsi que nos barques et entralna celles qui etaient mal attachees Pendant les premiers instants le desordre fut inexprimable des oris de detresse se faisaient entendre les canots s'entre-choquaient on ctaient heurtes par quelque tronc d'arbre entraine Bear d'eau Par bonheur le danger passa vite toutes les barques avaient pu s'accrocher quelque branch θ on quelque rocher et an point du jour nous pumes con stater que si notre materiel avait subi de graves avaries du moins notre personnel etait sain et sauf Le violent orage que nous avions entendu au loin avaic eleve le niveau du torrent d'une douzaiue de pieds pendant la nuit mais une crue si rapide 116 devait durer que quelques heures et deja les eaux commengaient baisser Translate into French Louis XL expired August 30th 1483 in his sixty-first year He was bad man but politic king and laid the foundation of that centralisation and that absoluteness in the French monarchy which were at length brought to completion by Cardinal Richelieu In these plans however he was much assisted by fortunate circumstances Louis favoured industry and encouraged all ranks of men even ecclesiastics and nobles to devote themselves to commerce he planted mulberry trees and endeavoured to introduce the culture of the silk-worm into France he brought skilful workmen from Italy in order to establish the manufacture of stuffs of gold silver and silk and Tours became under his auspices what Lyons is now on larger scale Yet in spite of the favour he had always shown to the middling and trading classes he was as unpopular among them as he was among the nobility It was indeed impossible that such character should inspire love -Τ Dyer Give the 3rd person singular of the past indicative passe defini of the future and of the present subjunctive of aequorir-cueillir-devenir-rosoudre-vaincre Give the masculine and feminine plural of fou-auquel -lui-meme-celui ci-ce heros also the comparative of bon-bien-petit
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