Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 734
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Page content
726 GENERAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT What were the measures attempted by Gracchus Which were carried Explain the following Ager publicus jus Latii tribuni aerarii-manipulus Where are the following places and how famous Carthago Nova Lacus Trasimenus Luca Sena Aquae Sextiae What Roman provinces were created during the Republic and when What changes were made in the Roman military system during the last century of the Republic What were the different offices which made up the power of Augustus 10 What were the causes which rendered the Empire inevitable 11 Explain the following allusions Jactantior Ancus Nunc quoque jam nimium gaudens popularibus auris Pyrrhumque et ingentem cecidit Antiochum Juno et deorum quisquis amicior Afris inulta cesserat impotens Tellure victorum nepotes Rettulit inferias Jugurthae Novisque rebus inlidelis Allobrox Medumque flumen gentibus additum Victie VII -£cnopIjou dlcntcfl antt ftititovv of ti Jiclopoimestau OTar Contrast the constitutions of Athens and Sparta Explain the terms α Στρατηγοί- Πρυτάνεις-Ήλίασται Ει- λωτ 9-Περίοικοι-Νεοδαμ ώδας What were the terms of the peace of Nicias What treaties were made between the Lacedaemonians and the Persians
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