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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-73

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 69 voluntary paper on Elementary Hebrew with pas- sages for translation from Deut -xi Candidates are required to satisfy the Examiners in each of the first seven subjects The Examinations are held about Easter and in October fee of twenty-five shillings is charged to every Candidate who enters the Examination The two Archbishops and most of the English Bishops have expressed their willingness to recognise the results of th Examination in their admission of Candidates to Hoi ν Orders Particulars on this point may be obtained from the Chaplains of the several Archbishops and Bishops Gentlemen who wish to offer themselves as Candidates are requested to send their names with certificates of moral character and particulars of their degrees or written forms of nomination from Bishops in cases where such nominations are required to the Rev Dr King Madingley Vicarage Cambridge before March for the Easter Examination and before September for the October Examination The papers given in previous Examinations with the regu- lations &c may be had of Deighton Bell and Co Cambridge and London and Parker and Co Oxford price one shilling each set or by post on receipt of thirteen stamps IV RULES AS TO GRADUATES AND DEACONS Graduates in Arts of all British Universities Having produced evidence of their Degree Having shown sufficient general knowledge of the subjects specified in Clause of the arrangements of the Bishops at page 67 and having passed satisfactory examination in the Greek Text and the subject matter of the Acts of the Apostles and in the Latin Text of the Thirty-nine Articles are admissible as Matriculated Students and may obtain
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