Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 722
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714 TRENCH PRIZE How docs Hooker explain the nature of human perfec tion or felicity This desire in man to be happy is natural Justif this statement and show the practical guidance it affords Distinguish the natural and supernatural methods foi attaining our perfection and happiness Give Hooker's explanation of the three Divine virtues XII iiogtc When are two propositions said to be opposed tion Distinguish between contrary and contradictory opposi- Give Boole's deduction of the law of contradiction Define and divide the terms man animal dog distinguish How would you definition What is meant by logical division respectively Show that in syllogism th three propositions and no more description from physical and metaphv st be three terms and Why is EAA an illegitimate mood Define the fourth figure 11 Srcttrit Eqpf t4ta1t4 airt dftrst fptetle to Ctmot -ft μ I- Give an analysis of the Epistle to the Ephesians and brief account of the controversy as to its genuineness as to those to whom it was addressed How do you account for what is called the advanced Christology of this Epistle and for its developed conception of the Church
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