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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-719

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 71f chapter of St John on the participation of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist 11 Examine St Paul's teaching on the subject 12 State summarily the doctrine of the Church of England respecting the sacrificial aspect of the Eucharist and its aspect as the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ and explain the confusion involved in the Roman teaching on the subject VIII pastoral Carr Show from the Ordinal and the Canons the importance attached by the Church of England to systematic pastoral visitation and justify her solicitude by an appeal to Scripture and to antiquity From an analysis of the Visitation Service collect the objects which the pastor should generally set before him in dealing with the sick Under what circumstances is it expedient to use the Service itself or portion of it Point out any objections which lie against the habitual employment of manuals State precisely the directions of the Prayer-book with regard to the confession and absolution of the sick Show that much caution is needed in ministering the consolations of religion' to dying persons and offer suggestions for dealing with cases of apparent callousness fanaticism and formality Can you lay down any practical rules as to the visitation of persons who are suffering from temporary and chronic illnesses respectively Discuss the question of connecting eleemosynary relief with pastoral visits How would you propose to reach the working men' of your parish How would you endeavour to meet the errors or doubts of an honest mind the scepticism which you may reasonably suspect to be the offspring either of intellectual conceit or of an evil life What cautions are necessary in visiting Dissenting parishioners regular members of the Church
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