Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 702
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1 94 SCHEME FOR JUNIOR COMMERCIAL EDUCATION Natural History -One hour per week General Anatomy and Physiology human and compar tive Digestion Absorption Circulation Respiration Innervi tion Locomotion Or Geology Drawing -Two hours per week Advance on preceding work Geometrical Drawing Pe spective Architectural Drawing Machinery &c History Art Introductory TIME TABLE FOR FIFTH YEAR Hours per week English French German Spanish or Italian History Geography Mathematics Book-keeping and Accounts Natural History or Geology Physics or Chemistry Drawing Sixth Year for Boys of 15-17 years old English -Four hours per week Writing and Shorthand Literature Language Composi and Religious Instruction Writing MS Notes ill tion Shorthand French -Four hours per week French only to be spoken Syntax Idioms Literature Composition of Commercia Letters &c German per week Spanish Ī” or tug or Italian -Four hour Continuation of exercises of preceding year WL
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