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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-681

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REPORT 673 having resolved to petition the Crown for the grant of power to confer degrees in medicine it appeared to the Council necessary in the interests of the College that its claims together with University College to participation in similar power should not be left out of sight They ac- cordingly invited the Council of University College to Con- ference on the subject and the result is that Conference of Committees of the two Councils has been held which has agreed to recommend that joint petition from the two Colleges be presented to the Crown for the establishment of new University in and for London the degrees of which would require as one of their qualifications residence in duly qualified College It is found that London is now at great disadvantage as compared with other great centres of population in possessing no University in which attend- ance at systematic courses of study is qualification for degrees and if this disadvantage were removed there would be strong additional motives for attendance at King's and University Colleges The Council apprehend that the wel fare of the College is much bound up with the success of this proposal and they will urge it forward by all the means in their power υ
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