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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-674

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report With respect to the particular Departments -In the Theological Department the numbers show diminution of IB for last Term but the number of students remains at high average The Department is in thoroughly satisfactory condition and fully maintains its position as place of preparation for Candidates for Holy Orders The Evening Classes in this Department attract very satisfactory class of students -The number of students in the Department of General Literature and Science show slight increase but the Council do not think this Department can be expected to regain its former vigour until the relation of King's College to University in London has been placed on more satisfactory footing and to this point the Council will advert in the sequel Mr Ward Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics has been appointed to Mastership in St Paul's School and Mr Morgan Jenkins of Christ's College Cambridge Secretary of the London Mathematical Society is acting as Assistant β-Id the Applied Science Department the number of students has diminished from 109 to 81 but the number last year was exceptionally high and it remains higher than the average of the last twenty years The Council have carried out several alterations in the duties of the Professors with the view of developing the usefulness of the Department in the direction of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and Archi- tecture The Chair of Arts of Construction has been changed to that of Building Construction and Architecture The Chair of Manufacturing Art and Machinery has been altered to that of Manufacturing Art and Mechanical Engineering The Chair of Surveying and Levelling has been altered to that of Surveying and Civil Engineering By these changes the scope of the teaching in the subjects referred to has been extended and the work of the Department thereby developed The third year Students will in future under this altered arrangement have course of instruction in Civil Engineering
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