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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-590

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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS tntoersiu of Hon&on FACULTY OF LAW HONOURS AT INTERMEDIATE LL EXAMINATION Jurisprudence and Roman Law 1867 Mears Thomas Lambert 1872 Gover William Henry 1873 Goode John 1874 Serrell George Exhibition 1878 Casperz Charles Peter 1880 Piper John Edwin 1881 Upjohn Arthur Ritchie 1886 Rusby James William HONOURS AT LL EXAMINATION Common Lata and Equity 1869 Mears Thomas Lambert 1873 Wiilcocks Roger Henry 1888 Rusby James William HONOURS AT DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS 1866 Rollit Albert Kaye Gold Medal 1878 Serrell George Gold Medal FACULTY OF SCIENCE HONOURS AT INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION Chemistry and Natural Philosophy 1866 McGill Arthur Ferguson Curnow John 1868 Warner Francis In Chemistry 1870 White Ernest William 1871 Carnelly Thomas 1872 Briggs Harry Beecham Stewart Howard Douglas
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