Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 554
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546 THE SCHOOL Graham Maclean Graham Groevenor Bertie Stuart Grounds Stanley Ernest Guy on Ronald Gardiner Hacker Henry Hale Robert Thomas Hales John Francis Hampton Harold Sydney Hancock Aidan Robert Hancock Walter Charles Harbord Arthur Suffield Harbord Charles Musgrave Harbord Hugh Herbert Harrington Charles Douglas Harris Percy John Harston Arthur Hawks John Nicholson Hayes Walter Herbert Heekes John William Hemming Benjamin Villars Henshaw William Francis Heritage Douglas Spencer Hextall George Bown Heyer George Hodgskin Joseph John Holdsworth James Eldridge Hoole Bernard Horwill Horace Mark Hose James Augustine Houlder Stafford James Hubbard Robert Francis Hughes William Edward Hunt Percy Charles Hurter Hubert Jay John Sterndale Jarvis Edmund Mullinger Jeaffreson Manfred John Thomas Caradoc Johnson Ernest Darley Johnson Frederick Hargrave Johnson Harry Watts Jones Alfred Clifford Jones Frederick Keith Kemp Fleming French Kemp Ralph Olantigh Kemp William Edelman Kennaway Gerald Kennedy Archibald John King John Charles Kirk Alan Kirk Frank Vernon Kirk Harry Bertrand Knott Stanley Edward Ladds George Reid Lambert George John Lander Charles Edward Lander Cuthbert William Latchford Edward Percy Layton Frank George Lee Harrie Alexander Leefe Lawrence Noel Lees Arthur Tyndall Leslie James Patrick Lindsay James Angus Lindsay Patrick Charles Lindsey Charles Deane Lloyd Charles Edward Long William Hardy Lonsdale John Frederick Lumsdon George Lumsdon Ralph Hoi ace Lutwyche Harry Lydall Francis Mac Andrew John Ramsay McBean William Macdonald Peter Martin
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