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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-513

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THE SCHOOL 505 THEY CLOSE NOR CAN THIS RULE BE RELAXED EXCEPT IN CASES OF UNAVOIDABLE NECESSITY 14 All Lessons are intended to be carefully prepared at home and boys are expected to give to this preparation two or three hours every evening according to their position in the School 15 boy whose work merits special approval is entitled to be sent up to the Head Master and receive from him printed card recording the fact and authorising him to receive certain number of extra marks These cards are expected to be taken home by the boy to his Parent or Guardian for their counter signature 16 Neglect of work infringement of School Rules or misconduct renders boy liable to be detained after School- hours to write an Imposition or in extreme cases to come to School for this purpose on Saturday morning 17 All such Impositions are written under the eye of one of the Masters in charge of the boys who are detained and record of these detentions is kept 18 The power of inflicting corporal punishment is strictly reserved by the Council to the Head Master to whom all serious offences such as habitual idleness falsehood insur- bordination or frequent detention in the case of boys in any part of the School are at once reported 19 pupil may be expelled by the Head Master with the consent of the Principal from the School for breach of the rules or for misconduct either in or out of the School and on behalf of pupil so expelled there shall be no claim of any kind against the College or anything connected therewith IX DINING HALL AND LUNCHEON sufficient time at one o'clock is allowed for luncheon which is provided in the College at regulated expense
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