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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-506

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408 THE SCHOOL Forms the Elementary Lectures in Science by Mr Η Tomlinson Boys in this Division may receive instruction if desired in higher Mathematics in Shorthand and in Elementary Political Economy י Any boy entering the School over 13 years of age may be placed at once in this Division and any boy over 13 may be transferred to this Division at the request of his Parent or Guardian without passing through all the lower Forms Boys in the higher Forms are prepared for the Commercial Certificate to be granted by the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board -The Lower Division including Preparatory Class This Division is intended to give all boys thorough grounding in elementary work The regular course of instruction includes English History Geography Latin French Arithmetic and Elementary Mathematics All boys learn Writing to which special attention is made and Drawing and are regularly drilled PREPARATORY Class -This class is specially intended for the preparatory training of boys from to 11 years of age Such hoys are required to attend in the mornings only in which case the inclusive fees are £5 5s Term They can remain if desired for preparation 01 lessons in the afternoons under supervision of Master for an ad- ditional payment of £1 Is Term and special arrange- inents are made for their dining in the College Rooms are assigned to them cut off from communication with the rest of the School and with separate access to the playground which they use at different time from the rest of the School
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