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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-494

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4-4 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES fourth can be taken Limits of age 15 and Examinations are held every June and November nomination from the Admiralty is required fo these Appointments The full pay of Accountant Officers in the Nav varies from that of Assistant Clerk at £45 12s 6d to that of Paymaster at £602 5s DIVISION III FEMALE APPOINTMENTS HARCOURT FEMALE CLERKSHIPS IN THE POST-OFFICE Hours of Attendance -On Tuesday from 15 to Frida from to 50 Saturday morning from 10 30 to 20 Students can attend once week only on Tuesday Saturday fees 17s for six weeks or 30s for twelve week Or twice week on Tuesday and Friday or on Tuesday an Saturday fees £1 7s 6d for six weeks or £2 10s fo twelve weeks Or on all three days fees £1 18s for si weeks or £3 10s for twelve weeks All are advised to attend not less than twice week if the possibly can they ought not to attend three times unles they have the whole of their time for preparation cloak-room for ladies is provided Students are recommended to join the Class at the beginning of the course but there are admissions at intervals of six weeks Students can join at other times but their fees which should if possible be previously paid at the College Office will date from the last regular admission The Secretary's office is always open for the receipt of fees from 10 to Saturdays 10 to and is kept open all day until the beginning of the class when the admission day is Tuesday or Friday Any
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