Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 480
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474 civil service classes evening' only home work in all the subjects will be set and examined the single attendance is on Monday The General Classes meet from 45 to 45 but it is gener- ally advisable to attend at as there are short special classes at this hour free to all Students Fees -One evening per week One period of six or seven weeks £1 two £1 13s Two evenings per week One period £1 13s two £2 15s Three evenings per week One period £2 4s two £3 15s The instruction is graded For this purpose the Class is divided into three Sections Upon joining Students are examined and placed in the Section which will give them the help they need They are moved to higher Section imme- diately they are found qualified Men Clerkships being so much sought after and the com- petition for them being consequently so severe it is of the greatest importance that candidates should begin their prepa- ration early-that is not later than 17 and earlier if possible The subjects of examination for Men Clerkships and Customs Outport Clerkships are the same Handwriting highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arith- metic including Tots 400 Copying MS to test accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing 200 Digesting Returns into Summaries 200 English Composition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 There is Preliminary Examination in the first three of the above subjects Books required -Brook-Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s Hunter's Self-Instruction in Book-keeping required by beginners Longmans 2s Hamilton and Ball's Book- keeping required by advanced Students Macmillan 2s Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6d Dr Smith's Smaller History of England Murray 3s 6d Gill's Imperial Geography Gill 23 Warwick Lane Paternoster Row 2s 6d King's College Indexing to be had at the
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