Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 456
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Page content
450 EVENING CLASSES Division Gray Arthur Prize Edwards Herbert Pigg William Beechey Cert of Distinct Farnsworth Charles Herbert Newhook Allen Eli Cert of Merit Division II Piatt Edward William Geard Edmund Cert of Merit Tackley Frederick James Division III Bryant Alfred Charles Prize Longcroft Cecil James Cert tf Lee William Fookes Charles ן τ ו τ- ו ו Cert of Merit Jackson William Keighley JfrencJ Senior Division -Class Rapp Louis Philip Prize Carman Mark Charles Cert of Distinct Trigge Edgar Dickinson י of Mefit Harding Arthur Boyer Senior Division -Class II Sifton Alfred John Prize Fowle Lewis William Cert of Distinct Strickland Harold Edward ert er Pute Tliomas Russell
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