Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 421
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Page content
EVENING CLASSES 415 of Live Conditions affecting Digestion and Nutrition IV Contractile Tissues Cilia-Muscles-Levers-Joints- Exercise-Training-Results of Muscular Contrac- tion-Elimination by Lungs Skin Kidney Liver- Mechanism for Production of Voice-Speech Nervous System Structural Elements-Properties and Functions of Fibres and Cells-Spinal Nerves- Cranial Nerves-Functions of Spinal Cord Medulla Oblongata Cerebellum Cerebrum VI The Senses Smell Sight Hearing Taste Touch-- Structures and Functions of the Organs concerned- Sensations of Organic Life-Relation of Senses to Memory Intellect &c 39 POLITICAL ECONOMY Day and Hour of Attendance-Friday from to The Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics will give Course of Lectures on the following subject "The Criticism of Mr Mill's Economic Method The Professor will go through the text of Mr Mill's work and advises those gentlemen who attend his lectures to keep in advance by studying Mr Mill's text carefully 40 PORTUGUESE Days and Hours of Attendance-Friday Upper Division to Lower Division to BOOKS RECOMMENDED Vieira's Portuguese Grammar Vieira's Portuguese and English Dictionary D'Orsey's Portuguese and English Colloquial
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