Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 414
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Page content
408 EVENING CLASSES Statics-Rest-Theory of Equilibrium-Parallelogram of Forces-Triangle of Forces-Polygon of Forces-Resolution and Composition of Forces Meeting at Point The Composition and Resolution of Parallel Forces-The Centre of Parallel Forces-The Centre of Mass of Body Conditions determining the Stability of Body-Illustra- tions of these-The Principle of Moments Definition of Machine No Machine can intensify Energy The Mechanical Powers statically considered Hydromechanics-Mechanics of Fluids -Definition of Fluid-Laws of Fluid Pressure-Propositions referring to the Nature and fFects of Fluid Pressure The Equilibrium of Floating Bodies Definitions of "Density "Specific Gravity"-Experi- mental Methods of Determining the Density of Substances Boyle's Law and its Applications Flow of Liquids Hydromechanical Machines The Lectures will be illustrated by experiments and are specially designed with view to meet the requirements of those who may be preparing for the London University Matriculation Examination BOOKS RECOMMENDED "Elementary Mechanics" by Magnus Hydrostatics×™ by Magnus 32 METALLURGY Day and Hour of Attendance- Wednesday from to This Course of Lectures established by the aid of the City and Guilds of London Institute is designed for all those who in any way have to do practically with the extraction and more especially with the applications of metals It treats of the methods by which metals are obtained from their ores and the means by which they are rendered suitable for the various requirements of the Arts
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