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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-406

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402 EVENING CLASSES to place at the disposal of the students for temporary us facsimile German commercial letters which have been use in the transaction of business Class IV to Division II -Lecturer Reinicke Monday and Thursda Elements of Grammar and Exercises Aue's Elementary German Grammar Buchheim's School Edition of Schiller' Wilhelm Tell Clarendon Press Aue's Elementary German Grammar '1 Class to Niebuhr's Heroengeschichten Clarendon Press This Class is intended for Beginners 23 GREEK -Three Classes Day8 and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursdayy from First Division Homer Iliad VI Homer Odyssey XVII after Christ mas Greek Composition Second Division -Wordsworth's Primer Valpy's Delectus Ed White Xenophon Anabasis after Christmas Arnold's Accidence Third Division -Rutherford's First Greek Grammar Mac- millan Practical Greek Method by Ritchie and Moon Rivington books recommended Liddell Scott's Lexicon Curtius' Greek Grammar edited by Smith Sidgwick'e Introduction to Greek Prose Composition Subject for the London Matriculation Examination January 1889 Subjects for the London Intermediate Ex July 18 Assistance will be given to Candidates for these Examinations by pape the subjects which are not read in class on
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