Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 400
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Page content
396 EVENING CLASSES Division II Lecturer Dupuis Tuesday and Friday Class to -French Grammar Stievenard's and Exercises Irregular Verbs Dictation and Conversation Translation from English out of Part es Dupuis' Selection of French Papers Reading of Modern French Extra Sticvenard Lectures Fran9aises Class IV to -Elements of Grammar and Exercises Pronunciation reading and translati from Stievenard's Rules and Exercises 18 GEOGRAPHY Day and Hour of Attendance-Thursday from to This course will extend through Three Terms an followed by consecutive courses in the following years rilYSICAL GEOGRAPHY The British Islands The materials of Which the British Islands are built causes of their configuration The contours of the coast lines in relation to the stru ture of the country The plains which form the surfaces of Britain ai Ireland The mountain structure of Britain and the contour of tl mountain chains The structure of the hills and hill-ranges of Britain The kinds of valleys found in Britain and their di tribution The British climate especially temperature rainfall an winds
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