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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-397

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EVENING CLASSES 393 XIV -Reflection and Refraction of Radiant Heat Re- fleeting Power of various Surfaces Distribution Heat Light and Chemical Power in the Solar Spectrum XV -Effects of Heat not previously considered Thermo- electricity Pyro-electricity Alteration of Re- ractive Index with Rise of Temperature Altera- tion of Electrical Conductivity by Heat and its Application to the Measurements of High Tern- peratures 15 FINE ART Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Thursday Evenings from ίο Drawing -Freehand and Model Drawing-Shading from iie Ornamental Cast-Study of the Antique-Designing &c Painting -Monochrome from the Cast-Still Life in Oil nd Water Colours Life Class -Drawing and Painting from the Life-Figure nd Costume Models The Anatomical Museum is open daily from 10 to to it Students and on Tuesday evenings from to 30 Seymour Lucas Esq has consented to act as isitor and Examiner There are Scholarships offered to Apprentices and Young en engaged in Artistic Trades and Manufactures Candi- ates must apply to the Professor showing some example of eir drawing not later than first week in term
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