Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 389
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Page content
EVENING CLASSES 385 iseous states-Composition and Properties of Natural Waters -Hardness-Specific and Latent Heat-Hydrates-Hydro en Peroxide-Oxides-Solution-Precipitation-Filtration- istillation Nitrogen -Occurrence in the Atmosphere-Properties of tmospheric Nitrogen-Ammonia-Dissociation and Syn- lesis-Ammonium theory-Ammonium Salts-Chlorides ad iodides of Nitrogen-Oxides 01 Nitrogen-Nitric Acids -Nitrites and Nitrates Carbon -Graphite and Diamond-Lignite Coal Lnimal and Vegetable Charcoal-Lampblack-Coke-Carbon ionoxide and Carbon Dioxide-Ventilation-Marsh Gas- defiant Gas Acetylene Preparation Purification and omposition of Coal Gas-Structure of Flame-Carbon Disul- hide ηύ ίν יד ט έ ka 10 מ Chlorine Bromine and Iodine -Their Compounds nth Hydrogen and Oxygen-Bleaching and Disinfecting actions-Photographic Action-Gradation of Properties in Hi Elements belonging to Natural Groups י ן Fluorine -Hydro-fluoric Acid and Silicon Tetra-fluoride jlass Etching Sulphur -Allotropic varieties Hydrogen Sulphide- Sulphur Dioxide and Trioxide-Sulphurous and Sulphuric cids-Sulphites and Sulphates-Thiosulphates Selenium Tellurium Phosphorus Arsenic -Their compounds with Hydrogen Chlorine Oxygen and Sulphur-Hydrates of Phosphoric Acids-Phosphates Boron -Boracic Acid-Borax Silicon -Silica and Silicate-Composition of Glass books recommended ψ Roscoe's 64 Elementary Chemistry Thorpe's Inorganic Chemistry-Non-Metals" Sixth edition Bloxam's "Chemistry י' Fifth edition β
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