Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 368
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364 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES Lent Term The Structure and Life Histories of some of the lower plant including Bacterium Yeast Protococcus Spirogyra Fucue Mucor Penicillium Chara Moss Equisetum Fern and Selaginella Easter Term Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of the Principal Natural Orders and the description of Plants These lectures will be illustrated by large series of Micro- scopic preparations fresh and preserved plants diagrams and experiments Fee £1 Is for each Term PRACTICAL BOTANY OR VEGETABLE BIOLOGY Professor Groves In this Class Students will be taught how to put up microscopic preparations and to preserve plants so that those who attend the whole course will acquire useful collection of plants and of microscopic specimens illustrating their structure Each day's work will so far as possible be upon the subject of the previous lecture The Lectures and Practical Class will include all the work required for the Intermediate Sc London Pass Examina- tion in Biology Vegetable thus affording systematic and thorough groundwork for further Botanical Study Monday 3-5 Fee £2 2s per Term or £5 58 for the whole course
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