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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-364

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360 department for ladies MATHEMATICS Η Hudson Professor of Mathematics in King's College The Principles and Methods of Arithmetic Wednesday 15-3 In these Lectures it is proposed to explain as if to be- ginners the principles that underlie the simplest operation the Roman and Arabic notation local value various mode £ of reckoning the reduction of complex opeiations to simple ן ones the formation and use of table3 various classification of numbers the use of signs change of units the theory and methods of and vulgar and decimal fractions circulating decimals ratio and proportion square and cube root approximations abbreviations interspersed throughout with the applications of Arithmetic to practical purposes Exercises will be suggested to but not required from the ladies attending this course which is not intended exclusively for Mathematical students Fee for each Term £1 Is Exercise Classes Wednesday 3-4 and if necessary For ladies attending the Lectures on Arithmetic who wish to work exercises and for others working exercises in Algebra Trigonometry Conic Sections or other Mathematical subject whether in preparation for public examination or not Fee for each Term £1 18 or £2
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