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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-361

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department for ladies 357 IX Die politische Lyrik Herwegh-Prutz-Dingelstedt Hoffmann Fallersleben-Freiligrath Die Frauen in der neuern deutschen Litteratur xhel Bettina Annette von Droste-Hiilshoff-Werner-L Francois-Frau Hillern-Marlitt-Fannv Lewald SPECIAL GERMAN COURSE ectures on and Readings from both Parts of Goethe's Faust during Lent Term and Easter Term of 1889 Thursday 11 30-12 30 The Faust Beadings having met with approval on former ccasion it is proposed to repeat them during the next Session he Text of Goethe's Dramatic Poem will be fully commented pon and the idea underlying it will be critically explained ך general critical resume will be given in German of the ortion to be commented upon each time and those passages hich illustrate the ethical bearing of the drama will be ead in the original and translated and explained by the rofessor It is proposed to read through in this manner 11 suitable portions of Fart in Lent Term 1889 and of 0art II in Easter Term Critical Synopsis in German of each Lecture will be laced at the disposal of those ladies who may join the Course if Lectures An Introductory Lecture giving an historical account of the Faust Legend will be delivered in English on Thursday he 17th of January at 11 30 Ladies wishing to be present at the first Lecture are advised bring with them copy of Goethe's Faust as portion of
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