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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-358

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354 department for ladies Each important work specified in the appended Program will accordingly be fully analysed and illustrated by th reading aloud of copious extracts-partly by the Professoi ί himself and partly by those ladies who may wish to do so- thus imparting to the Students thorough knowledge of the principal productions of German Literature By means 01 this plan the students take an active part in the Lectures not to speak of the useful practice of reading aloud The Michaelmas Term will be exclusively devoted to the study of Goethe and the remaining two Terms to the works of the principal writers during the present century so as to give complete picture of the poetical activity in Germany ן in modern times and of modern German thought Michaelmas Term GOETHE'S LEBEN UND WERKE Λ llgemeine Ubersich Goethe's Jugendleben und Werke Student und Jurist Einfluss der Sturm- und Drangperiode מ Goetz von Berlichingen Der Weltroman 11 Die Leiden des jungen Wethers II In Weimar Amtliche Thatigkeit Geselliges und literarisches Leben am Herzoglichen Hof-Frau von Stein- Herder's Einfluss auf den Dichter III Reisen in Italien Kunstler- und Dichterleben- Die klassische Idealitat in den Dramen Iphigenie und Torquato Tasso -Egmont ein "nationales Charactergemalde IV Wissenschaftliche Thatigkeit Verbindung mit Schiller-Der Xenienkampf
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