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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-357

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department for ladies 353 1erm in order to meet the views and requirements of the lembers of the class The Translations and Original Compositions will be received the Professor who will return them corrected ן Special assistance will be given by the Professor to hose ladies who may wish to prepare for any of the University Examinations or who intend to qualify themselves for the tacking profession German Tuition by Correspondence Ladies living at distance from London may receive struction in German by Correspondence They will be ntitled to do the written work of the Composition as well as the Grammar Class and any difficulties with which they ay meet in reading the Text-Boohs will be explained to them η writing The ladies joining the Correspondence-Class will informed every week of the work set to the two classes and hey will be expected to send in their performances weekly Fee £1 lis 6c per Term German Literature Friday 12 The Lectures on German Literature will be delivered in German The Professor will receive German resumes of his Lectures tnd return them corrected The method adopted during the past two Sessions of paying full attention to the actual study of the principal works of the rreat German writers instead of merely giving general fm1rvey of the History of German Literature has met with so much approval on the part of the students that it is pro- posed to follow up the same plan also during the next Session
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