Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 351
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Page content
department for ladies 347 Sidgwick's First Greek Writer Rivingtons The lecturer will receive written exercises weekly and turn them corrected Ī” Advanced Clas& Prof Warr Wednesday 3-4 Michaelmas Term -Homer Iliad VI subject for the atriculation Examination of the London University inuary 1889 Lent Term -iEschylus Agamem Subjects for the London non University Intermediate faster Term Homer Odyssey and Examination XVII 1889 Sidgwick's Introduction to Greek Prose Composition and ibbott's Edition of Arnold's Greek Exercises Rivingtons FRENCH French Language esclangon Examiner in the University of London Wednesday 10-11 Explication detailloe des difficult de la syntaxe et des verbes reguliers et irreguliers Etude des homonymes des idiotismes des synonymes des Suffixes des profixes et de la formution de la langue
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