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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-340

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Page content

336 department for ladies Lent Term The Seventh and Eighth Centuries Theodoric and th Ostrogoths-Justinian-Gregory the Great-Christian among the Saxons-Augustine-Monothelite Disputes-Mo hammed and Mohammedanism-Missions among the Frank and Germans-St Columban and St Gall-St Boniface and his followers-Bede-Iconoclasm-Leo the Isaurian-J011E of Damascus-Pepin-Charlemagne-Alcuin Easter Term The Ninth Tenth and Eleventh Centuries The Empire of Charlemagne -Its division-Pope Nicolas I-The false Decretals-The degradation of the Papacy-The Northmen and Danes-Alfred-Cyril and Methodius-Johannes Scotus The Eucharistic Controversy-The Predestinarian Con troversy-Berengarius-The Normans-The Monastic revival St Dunstan-Clugny-Hildebiand ENGLISH HISTORY 1485-1660 Tuesday 10-11 Professor Gardiner Michaelmas Term Causes of the strength of the Tudor Monarchy Henry VII finds support in the middle classes Character of his government Conditions of European politics The first years of Henry VIII Wolsey's ministry Industrial difficulties More's Utopia More's relation to the Italian Renaissance The Protestant Reformation in Germany The New Learning
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