Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 330
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Page content
32 β department for ladies ffietmatt Buchheim Ph Professor of German Literature in King's College German Grammar Tuesday 12-1 Reading and Composition Wednesday 12-1 Literature Friday 12-1 Lectures on and Readings from Goethe's Faust during Lent and Easter Tehns 1889 on Thursdays 11 30-12 30 The Fee for the Lectures on Faust is for either Term separately One Guinea for the two Terms One uinea and Half Italian Perini Professor of Italian Literature in King's College Italian Language Advanced Friday 11-12 Intermediate Class Friday 10 11 Elementary Friday 12-1 י י וי jftflatt nnattc0 Η Hudson Professor of Mathematics in King College Lecture The Principles and Methods of Arithmetic Wednesdays 15-3 Exercise Class Arithmetic Algebra or Wednesdays 3-4 Higher Mathematics Jt and 4-5 if necessary
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