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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-302

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298 medical department day in token of his approval If the emergency is pressing the Secretary shall be authorised to act upon the application which shall be laid before the Committee at their next meeting No Resident Medical Officer shall be absent from theHos- pital at the same time as his corresponding Assistant except in the case of the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant when summoned to Labour If Resident Medical Officer is temporarily less than six hours absent from duty and leaves an unqualified student in charge of his work he must make arrangements with one of the Resident Colleagues so that the unqualified locum tenens may clearly understand to which qualified Resident he may apply in case of emergencies Each In-Patient Clinical Clerk and Dresser shall be in attendance at the Hospital and prepared to enter the wards not later than 30 or earlier if required by Resident Medical Officer Senior Dressers must in turn remain at the Hospital as long as is necessary to assist the House Surgeons in their days of duty The Clerks may attend one hour later on those davs on which the Phvsician to whom thev are attached does not visit the Hospital The Clerks and Dressers shall enter their names and the hour of their arrival in the book provided for that purpose and placed in the Office This book will be laid before the Committee at each meeting and Weekly Summary of it transmitted to the Dean of the Medical Department at King's College Those Clerks and Dressers who are certified by the Dean of the Medical Department to be attending Lectures at King's College shall be in attendance in the wards not later than 10 15 on the days on which they attend such Lectures If vacancy should occur in the office of Physician's Assistant during the usual period of time for which it is held the Assistant House Physician shall succeed to the appoint- ment for the time of office still unexpired provided he pos- sesses the proper qualifications and complies with the
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