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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-298

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2l MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 1888 1I lett Richard Tanner Senior Brodie Thomas Grig or Second Year Warner Thomas Smith William Robert Junior Fadelle Alfred XXII Elass ψϊψζ Clinical $ri ts ttTertificaies cmour JJJUrtt an& gitteniiance Prizes are awarded for proficiency in the several subjects of Anatomy Physiology and Practical Physiology Chemistry and Practical Chemistry Materia Medica Surgery Clinical Surgery Medicine and Clinical Medicine Forensic Medicine Comparative Anatomy and Practical Biology Animal These consist of Books of the value of £3 and are riven to the highest Student in the Examination pro- vided that such Student exhibits sufficient merit to entitle him to receive prize Each Candidate for the Clinical Prizes will be required- To write the particulars of four cases taken from the practice of the Professor of Clinical Surgery for whose prize he is competing To write the substance of two of the Clinical Lectures delivered by the Professor of Clinical Surgery for whose prize he is competing which have been delivered in the preceding Session The lectures to be selected by the Examiners ן To answer four questions on cases occurring in the practice of the Physicians or Professors of Clinical Surgery respectively within the Hospital the cases to be selected by the Examiners Certificates of Honour are also given to such Candidates for the above Prizes as the respective Professors consider entitled to receive them
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