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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-169

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department op science 165 XII general library The Science section of the Library contains large number Standard Works which treat especially on the subjects aught in this Department to these the Students are referred the Professors during the course of Lectures and they lave the opportunity of perusing them in the Library in the ntervals between the Lectures or of taking them home for limited period subject to the Rules and Regulations stated page 550 Fee for admission of Occasional Students 10s 6d per term Ā£1 15 per annum xiii natural history and medical museum Curator Professor Groves The ground fl of this Museum is open to Students ih Department from 10 to Winter and from 10 till in ummer Saturdays excepted when it closed at througl ut the year This Museum cont extensive collections of Miner ocks Fossils recent Animals and Plants
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