Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 157
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i DEPARTMENT OP SCIENCE 153 masses of land Distribution of volcanoes Volcanic pbeno- mena their relation to the outlines of land and water Geysers Thermal springs Distribution of metals and metallic ores on the earth's surface In the Second Term those questions will be discussed which result from the influences of water and of the atmo- sphere in modifying the earths surface Among these will be tides and currents oceanic circulation Origin positions and structure of tablelands plains of marine denudation and low plains Physical and chemical properties of the atmo- sphere Clouds dew rain Formation motion position characters and effects of glaciers and icebergs Surface drainage the several kinds of springs subterranean rivers caverns History of some of the chief rivers of the world Formation of hills origin of the five kinds of valleys and of the several kinds of lakes Kinds origin and distribution of winds Gradations of climate on the earth's surface Rain- bow mirage mock suns &c Use of barometer thermometer actinometer hygrometer rain-gauge and anemometer The Third Term will be devoted chiefly to the geographical relations of life on the earth the means by which its dis- tribution has been brought about and influence of geo- graphical phenomena on civilization Among the subjects discussed will be the persistence of life on the earth from early times extinction of species means of discovering former relations of land and water from present distribution of life Chief geographical facts in the distribution of plant life Coral reefs animals which migrate along sea-shores Life in the open ocean Origin nature limits and number of geographical provinces of life Characteristics of the races of man distribution of the races origin of race characters Growth of civilisation in Europe as showing the influence of geographical circumstances on modes of thought on the emotions on industrial occupations and on health tending to explain how far political geography is dependent upon physical geography Every student is required to write exercises from week to week and to answer questions on every lecture
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