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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-155

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×™ DEFAR1MENT of science 151 Practical Physiology This Course which occupies the Summer Session embraces Practical Histology and the Elements of Experimental Physiology The Students are carefully instructed in all details relating to the use of the Microscope and the various methods necessary for histological research Each Student is required himself to perform the manipulations necessary for the study of the normal tissues of the animal body and must prepare mount examine and describe specimens under the immediate supervision of the Professor and the Demon- strators Every Student must provide himself with set of the minor accessory instruments All the other apparatus microscope and materials are supplied in the Laboratory for which charge of 11 Is is made Physiological Laboratory -Every facility is afforded to any Student who wishes to undertake private work 10 11 Botany and Practical Biology In these Lectures the organisation of Plants is demonstrated their physiology explained and the different modes of classi- iication described The subjects treated of are illustrated by fresh and dried specimens of Plants and by large collection of Drawings and Diagrams The Pupils have free admission to the Royal Botanic Society's Gardens in the Regent's Park and have thus every opportunity afforded them of acquiring practical knowledge of Plants The text-book used in this Class is Bentley's Manual of Botany 12 -Comparative Anatomy and Zoology The Course consists of Sixty Lectures delivered during the Winter Session and has for its prime object presentation
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